barry goldwater wiki

"[68], Some of Goldwater's statements in the 1990s alienated many social conservatives. Hiestand | ISBN, Goldwater, Barry (1979). English | He stepped down from the Senate in 1964 for his presidential campaign. Bass | Cole | Former U.S. Goldwater was a strong supporter of the environment. [60], He is a 1987 recipient of the Langley Gold Medal from the Smithsonian Institution. Pacheco | Gillett | Dannemeyer | He spent most of the war flying between the USA and India, via the Azores and North Africa or South America, Nigeria, and Central Africa. Talcott | W. Englebright | MacLafferty | In carrying Georgia by a margin of 54-45, Goldwater became the first Republican nominee to win the state. At around daybreak, Goldwater learned that he had been reelected thanks to absentee ballots, which were among the last to be counted. Sánchez | McFall | In a 1988 interview on Larry King's radio show, Goldwater was asked if he thought the U.S. Government was withholding UFO evidence; he replied "Yes, I do." Grisham | Bezirk: Low | Moorhead | The Johnson campaign and other critics painted him as a reactionary, while supporters praised his crusades against the Soviet Union, labor unions, and the welfare state. Cardenas • 30. Goldwater seriously considered retirement in 1980 before deciding to run for reelection. Lloyd | Goldwater campaign commercials included statements of support by actor Raymond Massey[36] and moderate Republican senator Margaret Chase Smith. Negrete McLeod | The campaign advertisement ended with a plea to vote for Johnson, implying that Goldwater (who was not mentioned by name) would provoke a nuclear war if he was elected. Brennan, Mary C (1995). Az 1964-es elnökválasztáson a Republikánus Párt az USA elnökének jelölte, de súlyos vereséget szenvedett a demokrata párti Lyndon B. Johnsontól Élete Források. Rogers | "Profiles". However, Goldwater's vote on the Civil Rights Act proved devastating to his campaign everywhere outside the South (besides Dixie, Goldwater won only in Arizona, his home state), contributing to his landslide defeat in 1964. I think if this happens, they can well move their headquarters to Peking or Moscow and get 'em out of this country."[20]. However, he rejected the wildest fringes of the anti-communist movement; in 1956, he sponsored the passage through the Senate of the final version of the Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act, despite vociferous opposition from opponents who claimed that the Act was a communist plot to establish concentration camps in Alaska. Takano • 42. Cutting | Roybal | Bezirk: Schenk | Wigginton | Dornan | "Although the jury awarded Goldwater only $1.00 in compensatory damages against all three defendants, it went on to award him punitive damages of $25,000 against Ginzburg and $50,000 against Fact magazine, Inc."[40] According to Warren Boroson, then-managing editor of Fact and now a financial columnist, the main biography of Goldwater in the magazine was written by David Bar-Illan, the Israeli pianist. Krebs | Fact had mailed questionnaires to 12,356 psychiatrists, and published a "sampling" of the comments made by the 2,417 psychiatrists who responded, of which 1,189 said Goldwater was unfit to be president. He mobilized a large conservative constituency to win the hard-fought Republican primaries. Goldwater fought in 1971 to stop US funding of the United Nations after the People's Republic of China was admitted to the organization. G.G. Chu • 28. Pelosi | A significant accomplishment in his career was the passage of the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986, which restructured the higher levels of the Pentagon by increasing the power of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to direct military action. It is awarded to about 300 students (college sophomores and juniors) nationwide in the amount of $7500 per academic year (for their senior year, or junior and senior years). [13] Goldwater retired as an Air Force Major General, and he continued piloting B-52 aircraft until late in his military career. Grenier went on to serve as executive director of the national GOP during the Goldwater campaign. Torres • 36. Bezirk: Kettner | Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, later well known for her fight against the Equal Rights Amendment, first became known for writing a pro-Goldwater book, A Choice, Not an Echo, attacking the moderate Republican establishment.

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