how were spices used in the 1500s

Commerce changed to include different products, including spices from Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt, Damascus in Syria, Baghdad & Mosul in Iraq and other great cities which were important trading centre because of their strategic location, astride the trade routes to India, Persia and the Mediterranean. "; The world’s most commonly used spice, Piper nigrum, starts life as berries in a clump on a flowering vine (like grapes).Native to Southern India, today pepper is grown throughout the tropics. The best part is, you can buy a teaspoon if that is all you need. The Ottoman empire (Muslims) were now in control of the sole trade route that existed at the time. It established and destroyed empires and helped the Europeans (who were looking for alternate routes to the east) map the globe through their discovery of new continents. Spices were so valuable that dock workers in London in the 16th century were paid in Cloves for their bonuses. "; Cures from Medieval England For toothache: take a candle and burn it close to the tooth, the worms that are hurting your tooth will fall out For evil spirts of the head: cut a hole into the skull to release evil spirts trapped in the brain. The spices introduced during the Middle Ages included those detailed on the following list. The Silk Road was an important route connecting Asia with the Mediterranean, North Africa and Europe. Since few European products could be successfully sold in bulk in Asian markets, these imports were paid for with silver. Salt in the Middle AgesSalt was considered so important it was stored in the Tower of London. Another major trade good was ivory , the tusks of elephants that were killed on the Tanganyika mainland - a practice that is still in place to this day. Spices, along with salt, would have been incorporated in mixtures to pickle and preserve meats; the pungent spices were useful for relieving the salty taste of such foods. Copyright © 2021 Clean Food Dirty Girl // Website Terms of Use & Privacy Disclaimer, The Ancient Spice Trade Route From Asia to Europe 1500s to 1700s Changed The World, SWEARY SATURDAY LOVE LETTERS + FREE RECIPES, Join the conversation via an occasional email, Advertising, Sponsored Posts & Guest Posts, Website Terms of Use & Privacy Disclaimer. During the 1400’s, there was an apt expression: “No man should die who can afford cinnamon.” This referred to the lucrative spice trade that existed between India and the rest of the world. "; The cost of spices was so great that they were presented as gifts. To think how we all are Connected The Western Europeans, not wanting to be dependent on an expansionist, non-Christian power for the lucrative commerce with the east, set about to find alternate ocean based routes which inadvertently started the Age of Exploration. Up to this point the staple diet consisted of foods that were home grown or occasionally imported from Europe. The scroll serves as evidence that the spice trade was in existence at least 3,500 years ago. Following a great meal the royalty and nobility of the Middle Ages would say Grace, wash their hands and then drink malmsey or other wines. may add this: THE CHILLY-Chili,Pepper -all Spices have an amazing history across Planet Earth literally. The Salt Tower was initially called the Julius Caesar’s Tower and then Baliol's Tower. The Boer settlement in Cape Town gave them a strategic foothold for trade. As well as spices and tea, they included silks, cottons, porcelains and other luxury goods. In 1599, a Dutch fleet returned to Amsterdam with a wealth of spices, which led to further ventures. The use of fresh spices and ingredients in all dishes creates the naturally complex and deep flavors of South East Asian cuisine, which is as diverse and interesting as its colonial history. To date, only Thailand has never been colonized by any foreign European power. These drinks were accompanied by another choice of spices which intended to aid digestion. months[10] = " A vast range of highly informative and dependable articles have been produced by the Siteseen network of entertaining and educational websites. At one time it accounted for a whopping 70 percent of the international spice trade. The ancient spice trade route via the oceans connecting Asia to Europe. It’s safe to say that every single occasion be it personal, cultural or business related, revolves around food. The first peppers to enter an English colony were sent to Virgina in 1621 by the governor of the Bermuda Islands. Popular spices included cloves, pepper, cumin, mace, ginger, nutmeg, saffron, and cinnamon. Really clarified aspects of the spice trade that I hadn’t understood! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Interesting Facts and Information about the spices used in Medieval cooking. The resultant food concoction is a riot of color, flavors, and aromas that are much more sophisticated than the plain old soup. Initially, the Spanish fought the Portuguese during the 1500s. "; Herbs are usually derived from leaves or seeds) and Spices are usually derived from flowers, fruits, or bark of tropical-origin plants. "; Used in to season and preserve food, and as medicines, dyes, and perfumes, spices have been highly valued as trade goods for thousands of years—the word spice comes from the Latin species, which means merchandise, or wares.. They’re sold in dried form, but that doesn’t mean spices last … When the population and businesses in the United States became more affluent, more and more companies formed and soon there were hundreds of American ships making around-the-world trips for these coveted spices from the East. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 (modern day Istanbul, Turkey) to the Ottomans ended the 1,500 year Roman empire which cut off the land connection between Europe and Asia. months[5] = " Uncover a wealth of facts and information on a variety of subjects produced by the Siteseen network. Spices in the Middle Ages - List of SpicesThere is no clear distinction between herbs and spices. 19th Oct 2015. Travel certainly broadened the mind of the Crusaders  who developed a new and unprecedented interest in beautiful objects and elegant manners. This is subjective but quote. "; Many lives were lost over Indonesian spices. The Tower of London is a castle which consisted of many towers. “Make the Best – Someone Will Buy It.” Late-1900s: Fewer home cooks drastically decreased the volume of the spice market. months[2] = " Check out the interesting and diverse websites produced and created by the international publisher in the Siteseen network. The region’s abundance of natural resources (rubber, aluminum, tobacco, coconuts, coffee, palm oil, timber, rice, tropical fruits and spices) brought the European powers over during the Age of Exploration (also known as Age of Discovery) starting in the early 15th century right up to the 20th century. Papyri from Ancient Egypt in1555 BC classified coriander, fennel, juniper, cumin, garlic and thyme as health promoting spices (3). By 1500, the Portuguese had already sailed to India. These mariners and merchants enabled the spread of the new American plants throughout the Old World with great rapidity (Boxer, 1969a). The spice trade refers to the trade in spices between historical civilizations in Asia, Northeast Africa and Europe. While curry focuses more on building a depth of flavor by adding differen… ii) some spices were usually or frequently employed at the beginning of the cooking process, with a base of onions, yoghurt, coconut milk, or tomato sauce; others added during the cooking (with coconut milk, tomato); and some were added near the end, to retain their aroma. The higher the rank of a household, the greater its use of spices. Aromatic spices, such as cloves, cardamon and mint, would be useful to disguise the foul breath of onion and garlic eaters who were likely to have additional halitosis from caries and gingivitis. Thank you. Many of the wines also contained spices! From the times of Neolithic man, spices have been used for enhancing the natural flavours of meat, roots, leaves and pulses. months[8] = " Get fast, free facts and information on a whole host of subjects in the Siteseen network of interesting websites. The food of the South East Asian region is a mix of Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern, Polynesian, French, Portuguese and other European influences. They are not irradiated like so many “off the shelf” varieties, are often organic and ALWAYS fresh. Archaeological evidence of people using pepper goes back to at least 2000 BC in India. Starting around 950 B.C., Arab merchants caravanned by donkeys and camels through India, China, and southeastern Asia on the Incense Route to provide valuable spice… Salt was stored in this building. Or cutting out a part of the brain said Seven years later, McCormick bought the F.G. Emmett Spice Company and entered the spice industry…. Ginger. They were also extremely valuable currency. South East Asia consists of ten countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. "; From the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, the Tin Route was a major artery that provided … Blood spilt over spices. Historically, culinary spices and herbs have been used as food preservatives and for their health- enhancing properties. They will help you eat more plants while throwing perfection down the garbage disposal. var current_date = new Date(); month_value = current_date.getMonth(); day_value = current_date.getDate(); year_value = current_date.getFullYear(); document.write( months[month_value] ); Spices in the Middle Ages - Information about Middle Ages Food - Foods - Middle Ages Food Facts - Middle Ages Food Info - Middle Ages Period era - Middle Ages Period Life - Middle Ages Period Times - Life - Spices in the Middle Ages - Middle Ages Food History - Information about Middle Ages Food - Middle Ages Food Facts - Foods - Middle Ages Food Info - Spices in the Middle Ages -  Cooking food in the Middle Ages - Dark Ages Foods - Medieval Food - Middle Ages Food Recipes - Food from the Middle Ages - Foods - Food for a Middle Ages King - Food and Reciepes of the Middle Ages - Spices in the Middle Ages - Written By Linda Alchin. The explorers of the European powers spread out from the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts looking for, well, anything to colonize, to find Fountains of Youth, to find a great river, and to begin a tenuous habitation with the cultures that were already there. These Protestant provinces were now independent of the Holy Roman empire. Archaeologists estimate that from as far back as 50,000 B.C. Back then, the colorful grains were used for flavoring food, but also for such tasks as making perfume, embalming the dead, preserving meat and sprucing up salve recipes … The Ebers Papyrus is an Egyptian scroll listing plants used as medicines, which dates back to about 1550 B.C. The Tin Route. Spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg associated with desserts were used in meat and fish dishes. Most interesting and amazing Thanks! Pre-Revolution Timeline - The 1500s. Kings, Knights, Lords and other crusaders, including many women, had travelled 3000 miles to reach the Holy Lands. Spices were popular then for the same reasons they are today. Thanks for the highly fun to read short course on the history of the spice trade. Now, when the fine spices are used by modern Western cooks, they usually appear in sweets, but between 1000 and 1500 CE, they were widely used in savory dishes, such as meats, and to flavor wine and beer. December 19, 2013 / Luanne Teoh / 4 Comments. The Netherlands included a number of prosperous cities in northern Europe. The Medieval Lords sat on the dais at the 'high table' and their commoner servants at lower trestle tables. Those less favoured on the lower tables were "beneath the salt". But obviously they were more of a luxury item at that time. Trade on the Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations of China, India, Egypt, Persia (Iran), Arabia, and Rome. Cloves were important in the earliest spice trade and are believed to be indigenous to the Moluccas, or Spice Islands, of Indonesia. This influence, commingled with the local ingredients and methods of cooking, created some of the world’s most diverse cuisines. var months = new Array(12); The history of spices is an epic subject as old as the history of civilization. The spice trade was initially conducted by camel caravans over land routes most notably The Silk Road via Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. From Sanskrit singabera (in the shape of antlers) … When herbs are purchased, unless they are bought as a potted plant, not dried, it is always BEST to buy them out of the “Bulk” jars at your favorite co-op or health food stop. I especially liked learning that dock workers were paid bonuses in Nutmeg! People used spices to flavour their food and make them taste better. I am a Retd Mariner and study & write on social history and ships-on FB also. The spices were then carried across the Mediterranean to the Italian seaports to the major towns and cities of Europe. One of the towers is called the 'Salt Tower'. Spices were important on the Silk Road both for preserving food or masking the flavour of rotten food, and for trade in the West. Malaysian and Indonesian cuisines share a common use of coconut milk in their dishes and desserts. Japan too used beheading up to the end of the 19th century prior to turning to hanging. months[3] = " Locate all of the popular, fast and interesting websites uniquely created and produced by the Siteseen network. It was in 1500 that Portugal claimed Brazil as belonging to its empire. These new ideas about Middle Ages food were brought back by the Crusaders and new foods and spices were introduced to the European menu. Early Modern Empires (1500-1800) Introduction: Before we learn about the unlikely and apparently rapid rise of The West during the 19th and 20th centuries, it’s important to understand the powerful empires of the early modern world between 1500 and 1800. The primitive human would have utilized the sweet-smelling spices in order to make food taste better. Street food is oftentimes available 24hrs where most socializing and business deals get done and it’s also usually the most affordable way to eat. Some were used to preserve food and make it last longer. Regular chaotic street food scenes serving delicious, freshly cooked food while you watch and wait is common in any South East Asian country (see below). The salt was placed in the centre of the high table and only those of the appropriate rank had access to it. Greetings This is an excellent Blog and great photos too. As such, current day South East Asia is relatively new and consists of several fragmented developing democracies and economies. They were also believed to have medicinal qualities in many parts of the world. That’s my kind of bonus! The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Middle Ages! Some time back I did a study of Chillies esp for Export in India’s Shipping Trade for our Commodity Dept & Lab. Buying black pepper, cinnamon, cloves and other spices is so inexpensive now that it seems hard to believe that once, they were valued as highly as gold and silver. 2) It was not the Spaniards- but the Portuguese who were responsible for the early diffusion of New World food plants to Africa, India, and the Far East, abetted by local shipping and traders following long-used trade routes. It is the very glue that binds the people and culture of this region together. They would h… Here’s to the Spice! Zingiber officinale, family zingiberaceae. The spice trade changed the culinary world forever. 1) ” Most Europeans had grown capsicums only as ornamentals and believed that peppers were native to India and the Far East until the mid-nineteenth century when botanist Alphonse de Candolle produced convincing linguistic evidence for the American origin of the genus Capsicum (Candolle, 1852).It was only after capsicums had become established in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe that the Spaniards played any part in the movement of New World plants to places other than Spain, Italy, and perhaps Western Europe. In China and Central Asia the traders would often use camels, horses, and even yaks to carry their goods. Much like curry, the stew is a beautiful mess of vegetables, meat, poultry and a myriad of other ingredients, cooked slowly over gentle heat. The first Europeans to challenge Portuguese power were the Dutch. They were already involved in the spice, gold and slave trade. The initial products were sold door-to-door and included root beer, flavoring extracts, fruit syrups and juices. months[9] = " Looking for accurate facts and impartial information? months[4] = " Explore the interesting, and fascinating selection of unique websites created and produced by the Siteseen network. Spices are aromatic flavorings from seeds, fruits, bark, rhizomes, and other plant parts. . months[0] = " Discover the vast range of useful, leisure and educational websites published by the Siteseen network. Spices were not only extensively used in the preparation of food but they were also passed around on The spice trade flourished during the colonization period, which brought black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg, and cloves (to name only a handful) from Asia via the ocean Spice Trade route (map below). Spices were not only extensively used in the preparation of food but they were also passed around on a 'spice platter'. Arabic spice merchants would create a sense of mystery and adventure for their European customers by making up stories of having to fight off birds of prey which guarded the spices high on cliffs and mountain tops. Sugar functioned as a spice during the era. Spices in the Middle Ages - Trade CentresThe spices introduced during the Middle Ages came from the Eastern lands which the Crusaders travelled through to reach Jerusalem. The maps and photographs really added to the content. The United States is such a “salt and pepper” nation and ordinary people coming home from their daily work would be pleasantly surprised by how much the addition of herbs and spices added to the food they prepare in their own kitchens would add to the dining at home experience. humans had used the special qualities of aromatic plants to help flavor their food. As time progressed, the spice trade was integral in the development of commerce and capitalism. China also used it widely, until the communists came to power and replaced it with shooting in the 20th century. Records from that time also note that laborers who constructed the Great Pyramid of Cheops consumed onion and garlic as a means to promote health. Spice trade, the cultivation, preparation, transport, and merchandising of spices and herbs, an enterprise of ancient origins and great cultural and economic significance. months[11] = "The diverse range of websites produced by the Siteseen Network have been produced to help you conduct research on many topics of interest. What was once worth more by weight than gold (like Nutmeg) now occupy shelves in kitchens across the globe. Plantations were developed to grow spices; hence, the moniker of the Spice Islands (a name also used for the Dutch colony the Moluccas, now part of Indonesia). The Pacific Ocean route of the Spanish Manila-Acapulco galleon was established in 1565 and operated for 250 years (Schurz, 1939). The finding was quite interesting as it is linked to the Spice Route and Spice Wars of 1500s . "; "; The spice trade route, stretching from China to the United Kingdom (both via land and ocean), unintentionally created a unique blend of culinary diversity. And by 1501 Christopher Columbus, attached to the Spanish monarchy, was making his last trip to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. American businessmen opened their own spice companies and started dealing directly with Asian growers rather than through European companies. The fall of Constantinople cut off the over land route to Asia. Chennai INDIA, Thank you for stopping by and commenting Captain! Guests at banquets took additional spices from the spice platter and added them to their already spiced food. At approximately the same time the Spanish colonies of Saint Augustine, Florida, and Santa Fe, New Mexico, were founded. months[6] = " The Siteseen network is dedicated to producing unique, informative websites on a whole host of educational subjects. "; And during their travels they were introduced to the unusual spices which were added to different foods by different cultures. Capt.TR Retd The discovery of the New World (United States) in the 18th century brought America into the global spice industry. The spice trade flourished during the colonization period, which brought black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg, and cloves (to name only a handful) from Asia via the ocean Spice Trade route (map below). Spices such as cinnamon, cassia, cardamom, ginger, pepper, and turmeric were known and used in antiquity for commerce in the Eastern World. Equipment for beheading. Portuguese traders and adventurers were the first Europeans to begin colonising Asia in the early 1500s, building settlements to control the lucrative spice trade in … Trade and the proximity of the Asian countries also plays a great role in lending culinary flavors to neighboring countries. The Portuguese, Dutch, French, Spanish, British and Japanese colonized and ruled the Asian region from 1511 right up to 1984. Seasonings such as cinnamon, ginger, cassia, and turmeric were important items of commerce from the earliest evolution of trade. Although water is the most common stew-cooking liquid used, some recipes call for wine and even beer. Styles in cooking change, and given the modern preference for spicy dishes, we can appreciate the medieval culinary aesthethic that emphasized color, ingenuity and a high degree of processing. If you want to learn more about cooking with spices and experiencing a multitude of flavors of food from around the world, our Plant Fueled Meal Plans do just that. I read this article to help study for my History 100 exam. Get ready to experience a world of flavor through spices. Spices led to the creation of vast empires and powerful cities. "; "; months[7] = " This website is produced by the Siteseen network that specializes in producing free informative websites on a diverse range of topics. The spice trade began in the Middle East over 4,000 years ago. There were two distinct forms of beheading - by the sword and by the axe. One of the most significant things about the culture and people of South East Asia is their relationship with food. 9 forms of birth control used in ancient times. months[1] = " Learning made easy with the various learning techniques and proven teaching methods used by the Siteseen network. In its day, the spice trade was the world’s biggest industry. After the Dutch defeated the Iberians in 1601, England fought a four-year battle with the Netherlands in the so-called ‘Nutmeg War’ over a small Island that supplied nutmeg. During this period Europeans explored Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania (modern day Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific islands). The discovery of the New World (United States) in the 18th century brought America into the global spice industry. For example, Thai and Vietnamese cuisines are strongly influenced by the use of fish sauce. By making it seem hard to obtain and rare, the Arabs controlled and inflated the price of spices to their European customers. What was once tightly controlled by the Arabs for centuries was now available throughout Europe with the establishment of the Ocean Spice Trade route connecting Europe directly to South Asia (India) and South East Asia.

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