i hate my dog after baby

When my friends would talk about cute things their kids did, I would compare them to my dog (I’m surprised they continued to be friends with me). Hannah December 3, ... Two years all people around tried to convinced me that I have to give my baby dog away to give him better life, to have time for me to heal after cancer. My dog is the best dog sister and the only issue now is she is the most food motivated dog I have ever seen so she likes stealing food from our toddler. While I don’t pass any judgment toward people who feel this way toward their dog (it’s obviously a common sentiment since I heard it so often,) it just was never a reality for our family. We have been very lucky to have our dog in our family for so many years and through so many life changes. Although this won't necessarily hurt them, the shock of the sensation is not pleasant to them. Really needed this article today. I guess some of these feelings are a natural part of our maternal instinct to only have eyes for our babies. “When a baby is born, the new smells, sights, and sounds are all unique to the dog,” says Russell Hartstein, a certified dog trainer and behaviorist based in L.A. But Im pretty sure this might be my last dog. I ask to go out, even when it’s freezing cold, so that I don’t make a mess. I find myself annoyed by almost everything he does now and alot of it is new. Really??? There is nothing more I can do I am beginning to resent the dog and do not want a new baby crawling where he has messed I am dreading opening the fromt door to see what he has done this time . The author comes clean about why she just can't handle her monster pet, and why we're judged for saying, "I hate my dog." The dog was the center of attention in our household. I began to resent our dog and feel angry towards her all the time. 11 Things Humans Do that Shih Tzus Hate. I think when I look back, those times when she wanted to cuddle on the couch when the baby was sleeping, was her way of trying to fill my cup so I could keep it together. More often than not, my son's naps would be interrupted by the dog barking. And this made me feel like the worst person on the planet. Nearly two years ago, my old dog died and I decided I needed something to fill the pooch-shaped hole in my life. If the baby squeals or cries, toss a tasty treat to your dog right afterward. Barking at the mailman during naptime?! This was me too and I felt like such a jerk about it!!! In fact, I do hate animals. And this made me feel like the worst person on the planet. I always give them extra rubs and lovin’ when the baby is sleeping. A few weeks after our baby girl came home from the hospital and we had gotten somewhat settled, it was time for our furry friend to return to our house. Having a dog that aggressively killed rats was a real asset. (And my two human boys too!). This is so true!!! Thank you for such an awesome article!! I don’t feel so alone now, thank you. What To Do If Your Adult Dog is Uncomfortable With Puppies. Right now my daughter is my world and I’m so afraid that when I have another baby, I’m gonna feel the way you felt about your dog towards her. A couple that had other dachshunds, a large fenced-in backyard, and no need to nap during the day. Thanks for writing, and marking me feel less like a monster. Gosh! We were unable to walk the dog and work out his nervous energy because he would slip out of his collar, terrified, and try to run home. Not to mention how much you made me laugh! I missed her when I was out. Seriously, seconds. We were all finding our new normal after our son came home and we expected that our dog would need some acclimation time. I’m still in sudden shock and so hurt our almost 11 year old Boxer is gone. We showed him the patience that he needed and in turn he completely enriches our family dynamic. Glad it wasn’t just me!! I always ensure their needs are met of course but I feel like I have no more to give. I made my Shih tzu homemade dog food and treats approved by the Vet also vitamin supplements were given daily. Before I had my baby, I lvoed the dog, taking him for walks, playing with him etc. Even if you don’t expect to have any issues with your dog, plan for the first meal to be at a time when there’s someone else at home, so one of you can focus on correcting the dog and one of you can focus on the baby’s needs. I’ve thought about getting a dog for awhile now because I grew up with cats and dogs around and I think it can be beneficial for preventing allergies… but I think we’ll wait until we’re done having kids. You will feel awful about this after she passes away. But they are my family, and a dog is nothing if not loyal. Completely overwhelmed as first-time parents of a baby with a serious medical issue, my husband and I asked my in-laws to let our dog stay with them for a little while. There were the minor issues – Waking up at the crack of dawn on the day the baby finally decides to sleep in? Baby Eye Color Predictor, Top Tips for Introducing Your Pets to your Baby, Setting Boundaries: Why My Mother and I Have a Safe Word, Formula Feeding Gear Basics: What You’ll Need. I just felt guilty in being the most loving human and fur mom. It’s different with humans!!! She is still loyal and patient now that she’s not number one, but I still have those moments more than not these days. You have no idea how much your story has helped me tonight, as I sit here plotting to football kick my dogs to the middle of Timbuktu. (She does not live with me just visits once in a while. He is a lab cross and is almost 4. All is forgiven – and the puppies turned out not too bad. I have been happily married for 39 years, have three adult sons, work part time and am in reasonably good health apart from arthritis in my knees. Eventually we were forced to give him anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication after our attempts to fix the problem with obedience school and dog behaviorists, herbal remedies, acupuncture, thunder shirts, and doggie massage were all resounding failures. I completely relate to this article, I knew she wouldn’t get much attention when baby was in the picture and less walks, but these feelings still popped up and I get frustrated with her all the time. Thank you! How do I not hate my Mother. I have just thrown up everywhere after cleaning poo off my bedroom floor ,and wee and poo from the hallway . Reply. Most appallingly, nobody in our house was sleeping. A week ago my boys and I came home to Giza lying on his bed he waghed his tail at me and then locked up when the kids came inside. I'm almost 5 months pregnant and I can't stand my dog, any little thing he does irritates me. Before I had children, my dog was my baby. I'm almost 5 months pregnant and I can't stand my dog, any little thing he does irritates me. Does it growl at strangers keeping the home safe? Everything got on my nerves and I felt like I was just letting my annoyance show. After that everything changed. After Looking at These Photos I Want a Dog and a Baby, Please This Dog and this Baby Are the Cutest Things on the Internet 5 Signs Your Dog Is Not Ready for a Baby It’s different with kids (or at least it was for me). How dare you!” “You’re hungry? ... Man rescues dog … No! When you make a commitment to give an animal a home, you commit to giving them the best home possible. It didn’t help that he was 15 years old and had health issues. Precisely how long you will need to feed a recovery diet for will depend on how long your dog is in the initial stages of recovery for, which is something that you should discuss with your vet. It’s almost like I felt my cats (I don’t have a dog) would know better but my toddler wouldn’t. True, I was exhausted. It’s very different now and I get mad at my dog all the time and feel guilty later. It took an experienced dog-owning … For 10 months he was our baby, until the real baby came. I literally cannot stand him! In a multiple-dog … And for people thinking of having kids – maybe think long and hard before adopting a dog if you aren’t willing to deal with its “annoyances” after a baby. No, forget that. How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids by Jancee Dunn is published by Hutchinson (£14.99). As of right now I think I love the cat way more than the dog and I was a dog lover. In fact, I do hate animals. It doesn’t alleviate my guilt but at least I don’t feel so alone. Luckily, they adjust, which is clearly the case here now that normal dog things are no longer “annoyances”. Anyways he is getting up in age, will be 10 yrs old next year. He rushed my eldest, buy he slammed the door in his face and escaped outside, so my dog went after my youngest and knocked him down. So we rehomed the dog with a couple that lived outside the large metro area we call home. I'd chased him through the woods six months pregnant and carrying a toddler for 20 minutes before corralling him and getting him back inside. But for now everyday is a struggle, and they are the 2 fat straws breaking the camel’s back! I have a German shepherd chow. I tried baby on formula and she was sick as a dog on 2 oz and I cried like a baby too. There was zero logic in any of it but for some reason, my toddler stayed in good graces – well, as much as a toddler can. This comment is uncalled for. I could never imagine hating them. Major used all my energy. I still sometimes wake up feeling guilty about rehoming my pet, but in the end, I realized we did what was best for everyone. Most dogs simply learn to ignore them, but some need extra help. I shall now list all the things I hate about this shitty dog. Please tell me it’s different with humans! And for us, that meant finding a new home for a very loving, very loyal, very neurotic little dachshund. I sure hope the love for my dogs is restored. Squirrels are rodents like rats and dogs don’t care about the subtle differences. I have watched my children grow to love her as my husband and I do, and it’s a beautiful thing. My home typically contains two or more dogs, and research has shown that having more than one dog is typical for nearly a third of dog-owning households in North America. It felt awful but for a period of time I just couldn’t handle the needs of them both, especially when some of my own needs weren’t being met. A month after I moved and settled myself into NYC I got an email from the dad, cc’ing the mom, with a photo of their baby. It has now been 6 years and during that time another tiny human has joined our pack. I was my dogs person, I loved her, I cried before going to the hospital because my dog didn’t know how her life was going to change.After bringing the baby home I felt like the worst dog owner. She will always be the one who was there first. Way to not pass judgement. A huge sense of relief and peace and calm descended on our home, and everyone who walked through our door noticed it. Totally agree with Leanne. And my 13 year old son is seriously allergic to dogs, so much so that he had to be rushed into hospital last year for 4 days of oxygen and nebulizers. (The hormones, sleep deprivation and general feelings of being overwhelmed don’t help either.). How could I have turned on my once best friend? I feel so guilty but when I look in his eyes, I feel as though he understands. Over time, I learned how to better balance the responsibilities of being a mom to both my children and my canine dependent, and the weight of the perceived burden lessened. Perhaps saying, "I hate animals" is a bit of a strong statement, but I can say, very plain and simply, I definitely do not like animals. She rattled doors and meowed for no reason. I have just thrown up everywhere after cleaning poo off my bedroom floor ,and wee and poo from the hallway . And as our son got bigger and more mobile it became increasingly difficult to keep baby toys, utensils, and food away from the dog. After my daughter was born, as we became more sleep deprived and the dog's behavior got worse, I realized we needed a change. Banging your water bowl for a refill in the middle of a blowout diaper clean-up? Does it guard against mice and bugs? Through it all, my dog has been there. Reply. After my dog has a bath she’ll run around the house and start rubbing her body up against the furniture. Major used all my energy. It can be hard to keep track of an unruly dog and an unruly baby at the same time. I’m glad I’m not the only one… I was pretty cranky because our son had a dairy intolerance and literally did not sleep the first 6 weeks add two dogs to the mix and it was just too much. After hours of rocking, lulling, and cajoling the baby to sleep, I'd finally be settling him down in the crib when the dog would begin barking at something outside. This dog was perfect had no issues. They know this just like you do. Then has a panic attack when the washer and dryer is on. I was hoping that all these feelings might be gone way when my daughter become toddler but I got pregnant when she was 13 months old. I took her to visit her human grandparents. I don’t do that, and no diaper changes either. Karen Boehmler. We had a “cuddle on the couch” ritual the minute I walked in the door from work. I felt this way about our dog when I gave birth to my son too. Since then, he has received maybe a tenth of the attention he once had from me. He was the BEST BEST dog anyone could ask for. I'd cook a healthy dinner for my son only to turn long enough to grab a sippy cup and return to find all the food eaten and the expensive plastic baby bib demolished. He was my baby and everything until I had kids. I had a newborn to care for and was totally overextended. I hate cleaning up after his dog mostly because it’s not appreciated because he doesn’t think it’s gross or a problem at all! Copyright © 2010 - 2020 Pregnant Chicken. These animals live for routine, and especially with dogs, their role in the pack. Suddenly I’m cast aside like a dirty dishtowel. These stories sadden me so much. This isn’t something I felt I could bring up or talk about without judgement, so it’s reassuring to know this is common. I sought advice from a professional who seemed perplexed. “You have to go out again?! At the time he was 6 yrs old, when I had my firstborn. Uhh just wondering if you have any kids and a dog (which you had pre-children)? According to local media, the young girl was distraught after the animal was badly injured in a fight just hours before. Every time a parent got up to soothe the baby during the night, the dog was up and running around the bedroom, convinced that we desperately wanted to feed him right now and probably got up to play. My husband takes care of his first daughter whole time while I was second pregnancy and after baby but I still don't like him and disgusted by him all these time. I hate cleaning up after his dog mostly because it’s not appreciated because he doesn’t think it’s gross or a problem at all! Domestic animals are just as innocent as Little babies. “I hate myself...I am not loved,” she reportedly wrote on the ceiling of her bedroom. What happens when I am sleep deprived from a screaming baby and have to be at work at 6:50 a.m. the next morning? Dog owners have a huge responsibility to do so. She also does it after she comes in from the rain, and it’s just a way for her to help dry off. My baby girl lived to be 17 years old and I still miss her! She was loyal enough to have patience with me as I worked through the difficult time of new mommyhood. Nooooooooooo!!!!!! Relationships after having a baby Becoming a parent often puts a strain on relationships, regardless of what they were like before. Thank goodness for the internet telling me I’m normal because I felt so guilty about it! Oh, the horror. The puppy would compulsively lick all the fur off his chest and belly if left alone for more than 15 minutes. “Things change after you’ve had a baby,” women at work would murmur. I really, truly believe that when you adopt an animal, it's for life. Oh I how needed to read this article!!! Your email address will not be published. I never saw her again. Luckily, much like the author, things have gotten back to normal now that my daughter is two. Hannah December 3, ... Two years all people around tried to convinced me that I have to give my baby dog away to give him better life, to have time for me to heal after cancer. How do I not hate my Mother. My son wasn't having his needs met because he was unable to sleep and was constantly surrounded by nervous, anxious energy. All those years of loyalty and a strange, smelly puppy that can’t do anything enters my home and gets all of the attention? If you think about it, do you ever blow another person's face for fun? We adopted our dog, then became pregnant with our first child a month later. Hello, I have a 5 month old baby & a 5 yr old dog. They don’t choose us, we choose them and it is our responsibility to train and prepare them for a new member of a family. I was surprised that this was the most frequent piece of [unsolicited] advice I was given during my pregnancy – that my beloved fur baby would become “just a dog” once our son was born. My best friend just got a dog in August last year. “When a dog spends time with a person, the dog is likely to come in contact with reinforcement — things the dogs likes, like food rewards, petting, fun activities, and companionship.” The time that your dog spends studying your every move also helps her to understand you better, says Chavez, which can help her better interpret the meaning behind your actions. It is like having another child! True, I was exhausted. Now that he is older I am so glad we have our dogs to love and entertain him. She stepped out of the spotlight to let it shine on the new little humans in her life. I cried more in two years than in 15 raising my children. Kind of seems like you didn’t do any training/preparation before the baby was born. I’ve been so frustrated with our dog, all the time, since number 2 came along, it’s so nice to know I’m not alone. Before I had children, my dog was my baby. As I’ve said to many of my friends, “my love doubled, but my guilt got cut in half” when I had my second child. Though I may have not always shown it, I am grateful for her continued companionship. Before too long we appreciated him again, though! Thank you for sharing your experience. I love him even more than I thought possible now. I experienced this and have been too ashamed to tell anyone. I feel so guilty not giving the pups as much attention. Is my 8 year old Maltese always on his best behavior, absolutely not! INSTAGRAM: @liamthompsonofficialTIKTOK: @liamthompsonofficial If a bedroom is left open he’ll go in there and poop right in the floor. What about me? She barks during their naps, she still tears apart the garbage but it’s worse when you also have a toddler, she pees on the carpet but I have less time to clean it and any time I DO have is precious alone time, she doesn’t know which toys are only for the kid, she eats their food, she jumps on visitors but it’s worse now that I have more young child visitors, when she gets off the bed and does her usual shake it makes a loud jungle but that wakes the baby…catch my drift. Within a month of moving in with them, the dog had been weaned off his medicine and maneuvered himself into their bed at night. I set the bottles down on the table and left the room for a second. And his hair drives me insane. Even if I just taken him out. We have 2 dogs in the house with our 3 month old. Please stop. I am trying to remind myself daily that he isn’t always going to be with us and I need to show him the love he has shown me! Happy i’m not the only one. 100% this.Also, taking the time to train your dog before the baby arrives is important. January 21, 2017. She first attended the MTV VMA's in … My parents hate this dog too, so I am not alone.) I really needed this! My dog was my top priority. “I would never give up my dog, no matter what!” Fingers for baby, rawhide for doggy. Part of the problem is that you're tired and have so much less time to spend with your partner than you did before the baby arrived. It’s much better now. We tried hard to still make sure she got a couple of minutes of snuggles on the bed every morning and that helped a little, and I know she knew we never loved her any less. How Becoming A Mother Made Me Hate My Dog, What Color Hair Will My Baby Have? Any item that had come in contact with breastmilk was eaten and then pooped inside the house. Every parenting experience is unique. If there were issues before with noise/obedience, they will be amplified times a million after the baby is born. There are many reasons why owners end up hating their puppies, and we look at the common puppy problems and how to cope with a new puppy... Having a new puppy in the house is generally predicted to be a happy time; full of endless fun, games, and cuddles - and for many this is true. Dog lovers are never going to change the minds of everyone. Yeah we called our dog Nuisance for a while after our first was born. We’ve had a similar problem, but with 2 unusually needy cats. If your dog seems distressed when the baby makes noise, associate the sounds with things your dog loves. Our attempts to crate train him were abandoned after we discovered that he could in fact bark all night without tiring and that our neighbors weren't particularly keen on listening. I didn't know how totally fucked up these dogs are until my sister got a Boston terrier. Her mother Annie, 39, left her job to check on the animal and then shot it because it was “severely injured”. My furbaby was my number 1 for 9 years until our first was baby was born 5 months ago. He looks like a space alien and a bot fly had a baby… Funny thing is I had a feeling that if I ever got pregnant I would start to hate him, thinking about his horrible shedding and his fur getting into the babies mouth or him chewing on the babies stuff or sticking his big head in the babies face or putting his scratchy paw on the baby. Don’t let anyone judge you on how you parent your human babies or your pet-babies. He'd broken gentle leaders and pulled so hard on choke collars that his neck would be covered in scabs. I was dealing with an 18 month old and was 8 months pregnant, and my 17 year old cat was going senile. I hated my dog for the first couple months after bringing home my first baby. !”  Ugh. However, some non-dog-lovers might be swayed if they see that dogs can actually be wonderful animals.

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