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Then it goes to the House and each state gets its own single vote. PBI: Bottom line: 1 vote per state, House is 27 Republican, 20 Democratic, others tied.  An absolute majority of 26 not a super-majority, is decisive. Dr. Shiva MIT PhD reveals the way HAMMER and SCORECARD actually use a special Algorithm. SCOTUS FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Led the High Tech Lynching of Clarence Thomas. 04 Recounts will be overseen by armed  guards (probably US Marshalls). Enough fraud exposed to FLIP Michigan!! 03 Two US Generals overseeing counterintelligence probes in 16 states. We may be on the verge of a very happy outcome at multiple levels. Christie could be new Chief of Staff. Hal Turner Radio Show: ELECTION FRAUD! Simon Parkes: California likely to swing to Trump; senior member of Trump legal team suggests Biden is a murderer — six scenarios all leading to Trump back in  the White House. — Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) November 22, 2020. Trump confidant tells LifeSite: the president has all the proof needed to show massive fraud, vote switching, IT’S HAPPENING! B|iden, O|bama, C|linton, P|elosi Tied to Voter Fraud, Child Traffic|king? Top US Pollster and Statistician Richard Baris — People’s Pundit — SUSPENDED from Twitter for Reporting on Disputed Election — Political ‘WrongThink’ Not Allowed, Puerto Rico finds 126 briefcases with uncounted ballots 1 week after election, “I Did Not Recant”: USPS Whistleblower Stands By Backdated Ballot Claim, VIDEO (6:03) No Evidence Of Voter FRAUD? !😱, — 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 6.0 IN SIDNEY WE TRUST!🙏 (@TrumpRulzz) November 10, 2020, Video, Bio, Transcript of Edwin Vieira PhD JD on Election 2020 Fraud and What Giuliani Is NOT Doing (Criminal Conspiracy Instead of Civil Actions), Deeply Blue New England Disrupted by Republican Wins in Down-Ballot Races, Giuliani presents evidence for Trump’s legal battle. BOOM! and this is a small example. Hal Turner: UPDATED 8:23 PM – K A B O O M!, — Adam Paul Laxalt (@AdamLaxalt) November 10, 2020, PODCAST Dan Bongino: Post Election Day Special with Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis (Ep 1393), Trump will win the House – Thank California for it — several weeks away, Mainstream Media Guilty of Treason, Usurped Constitutional Powers of the Electoral College, Violated the Sedition Act. Separately The Steele Report ($11/mo) offers weekly text report and live webinar exclusive to paid subscribers, who can also ask questions of Robert. US Army & German Forces Seize US Election Servers in Germany! The days of watching the mainstream media are over because they’re going to be revealed as liars and they fell for it, but they didn’t really fall for it, they were part of it. Includes CIA deliberately getting Brennan loyalists elected  to Congress. Dismantling the Deepstate Operatives and Doubles!! Trump’s Bulldog Attorney Lin Wood: “Soon people will be going to prison. In this video he specifically looks at the CURRENT 4 Counties in Michigan that had the so called “GLITCH.” He concludes that Trump-Biden Election is a shame. This is a Wrestlemania drama and Biden is the designated heel reading his lines. He is the author of  Mary’s Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace (3rd edition, 2016), which details his many years of investigation into Washington’s most famous unsolved murder of Mary Meyer. 3 mins ago Top 5 Casino Sites To Play Online Roulette In Ireland; March 28, 2014 Franklin Scandal: The Washington Child Sex Ring Coverup; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: “There Will be a Smooth Transition to the Second Trump Administration” (VIDEO), More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows. Phi Beta Iota: Rendon is a very unethical company that — like Dyncorp and other bottom feeders in the military-industrial complex — will gladly commit crimes against humanity for profit.  They were state of the art until HAMMER and SCORECARD came along.  A major reason they succeeded was because NSA is not processing 100% of what it collects; is not providing tactical SIGINT in support of clandestine HUMINT; and CIA at the top is a Deep State outfit, not in service to the public. Martin Armstrong: I Do Not Think Trump Will Win — Tyranny Looming?, — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2020. The great purge: why remove these several documents -instruction manuals, and policies (thus no copyright owned pursuant to US Copyright) from your website? The media brainwashing matrix sustains another crack. Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement, Pentagon changes cutting CIA out of the picture, Supreme Court Justices reassigned to directly oversee state courts, Biden suffers from dementia, not fully briefed as a security precaution, FL & TX going for Trump was trip wire that panicked Deep State to deep fraud, 60M Biden, 80M Trump, has seen screens from captured devices, Good guys not bad guys captured servers in Canada and Germany, Most of the evil-doers will leave politics, some will face courts martial, NESARA/GESARA unlikely before December or January — JP Morgan opening in UK is sign that Deep State still controls financial world. Sure hope no one saved everything for others to review. The result is that every shithole media outlet runs this story and salivates about the chaos and dysfunction in Camp Trump. 13 9/11 started the movement toward draining the swamp. Powerhouse couple are gearing up to move back to their $4m Park Avenue pad and reclaim their socialite status – but insiders say they’re in for a rude awakening. No time for phony healing – we do not concede! Video: Are Phone Networks Now Censoring Links About Election Fraud? You probably already know you can make money driving for Uber. Epoch Times: Exclusive: Rep. Mo Brooks—Will the US House of Representatives Decide the Next President? Dave Hodges researched this and here is his finding. VIDEO (4:07): Christina Bobb: Trump won. Phi Beta Iota: It was indeed the most secure election in modern history, just not the way they thought. Trump is on  track. DIVIDED STATES: The post-election reckoning: 7 steps to restore the republic, Michigan Judge Denies Trump Bid To Block Certification, Election Audit. Three more New York sheriffs say they won’t enforce Cuomo’s Thanksgiving limit, VIDEO (43:28 X22 Trap Was Set In 2018, The Evidence Will Blow The Minds Of Every Person In This Country, Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral by Paul Collin, Trump Confirms: Election Will Be Overturned. There are no coincidences. James Fetzer: If Biden Body Double Did the Debates, Is This Fraud Nullifying His Candidacy? A 501.c.3 Nonprofit Organization. ROBERT STEELE: Multiple House seats expected to flip, giving Republicans control of the House that will be further  solidified when over 100 Members resign in a deal to avoid jail or declassification of voice calls and emails that will end them. Is Trump lawyer Sidney Powell our own Joan of Arc? WE ARE AT WAR! PBI: Jarvanka have been fired. SIDNEY POWELL Drops a BOMB on Mark Levin Show: We Have Witness Who Was at Creation of Smartmatic System – Used to Change Election Results (VIDEO). This means they added millions and millions of ballots that only voted for Biden and did not bother with the down races, So in reality, TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE. This makes it quite clear that the bulk of the electoral fraud has been focused on the presidential election. DefDog: A Priceless Twitter Thread on Trump’s Power and Genius. ZeroHedge: “The Fraud Was Executed By Many Means”: Sidney Powell “Releases Kraken” With Dual Lawsuits In Michigan, Georgia, ZeroHedge: Giuliani, Trump Pull Off ‘One Hell Of A Hearing’ On Pennsylvania Election Fraud, Sidney Powell: Kraken Release Update – Kraken Released on Georgia, Michigan, Gateway Pundit: HUGE! President Trump can delay conceding until January 20, 2021. Phi Beta Iota: This would also allow time for a Constitutional Convention that demands public education for several years prior to its being viable. Watch for yourself. Email ESPN Radio Shows Phi Beta Iota: Common  theme across multiple articles to wit POTUS team held back to allow criminal Governors to self-indict with certifications of fraud that doubles their culpability. PBI: The above concept works if the Constitutional Sheriffs stand firm on blocking all attempts by banks and bribed or blackmailed federal and state authorities from reposession at the county level. And, one day, he’s going to get to eat his own “preparation.”. Edwin Vieira: There is no question he thinks there is massive fraud.  Cites legal code. An avalanche of crime is about to be revealed and the organization behind the media machine is going to go down too. It’s Lin, not Linn. Trump assembling all-star legal team to mount election challenges in close states, Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Interview: US Election Winner Predicted, Most Important Issues Discussed, Information War? @RudyGiuliani to be filing lawsuit tomorrow!! AP FACT CHECK: Trump legal team’s batch of false vote claims. 15 Joe Biden does not have a clue.  He may really believe he won. 11 Trump and his team are certain he has 290 Electoral College votes. Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump “REPORT: DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE. That moment when you realize the cult-programmed ‘liberal’ proletariat actually bought the fact that all you did in 46 years of placeholding for illuminist banksters was accumulate tens of millions of dollars, usher in cultural Marxism and engineer the catastrophic failure of middle-America…(while sniffing a lot of kids!). BREAKING: Real Clear Politics Pulls Pennsylvania Call for Biden — WITHDRAWS ELECTORAL VOTES! This is shocking and historical, because, I have never seen anything like this. Those who vote decide nothing. September 29, 2020. Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures: CIA May have Used Dominion for Its Own Benefit – Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediately! And many others too. Calculating The Discount Being Offered By Retailers in 2021, Want to Help Save the Environment? Millions of American Patriots are waiting to see a different mug shot of this criminal, James Comey @comey. They are curious and research her and receive additional exposure about Dominion, Scytl, The Hammer, Scorecard, and etc. Consortium News: Georgia On Our Minds — When Will the Globalists Get Out of the Way and Stop Blocking President Donald Trump from Engaging Dr. Cynthia McKinney? Original Story: The pre-holidays patch that CD Projekt RED promised for Cyberpunk 2077 has just landed, weighing in at a rather large 17.5GB on PS4 (and PS5 via backwards compatibility). Sure hope no one saved everything for others to review. The rest of this fiasco can be put sqaurely on Jared Kushner’s plate. – with Newsmax TV’s Emma Rechenberg. Here’s How You Can Do Your Part in 2021, Prepare For Change: Important Cobra Announcement, Longest Lunar Eclipse of the Century is Coming: What You Need to Know, How To Do Your Own Payroll: A Business Ownerships Guide, 8 Lighting & Decor Tips for Your Home Office in 2021, List of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). President You Won Big and You Won Black!”, Supreme Court Decision: Fraud Vitiates Everything, The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun. Video: Breaking – Biden Loses Pennsylvania, Video: Charlie Ward’s Update on the Election, AG William Barr Authorizes Justice Department Probe Into Voter Fraud, Trump Campaign Files First Election Fraud Lawsuit; Ohio AG Asks Supreme Court To Overturn PA Ballot Ruling, VIDEO: Why I’m certain Trump will win a 2nd term, American Thinker: It’s possible that 2020’s election fraud is way bigger than we thought, The Four Year Plan To Overthrow An Elected President. She is preparing multiple state civil suits (only DOJ, AG can bring criminal cases) that specify state crimes and linking. Note: we waste no time at all on the disinformation. “They’re Certifying…Their Own Fraud and Their Own Complicity in Fraud” – Sidney Powell to States Who Want to Certify Their Results, Sorcha Faal Known Fabricator Gifted in Narrative with Priceless Links: CIA Director Suspected Wounded After US Military Raid On Secret German Election Base. The underlying international Racketeering > this will quickly force states to decertify election and start criminal investigation, and block FBI Interference of federal charges to be brought to military tribunals > Col Richard Black, JAG (retired) Perfect for this Nuremberg 2.0. Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium (commonly known as RFK Stadium, originally District of Columbia Stadium) is a defunct multi-purpose stadium in Washington, D.C. Orders to execute military operations have been written and are sitting on the President’s desk. PBI: We will know by thanksgiving.  Unlike other false flag crimes, stealing the election has millions, not dozens, of whistleblowers. Some diseases are difficult to treat,…, If you just bought your first home, there is a chance that it has to have some work done on…, No one undergoes a surgical procedure expecting to come out of it in worse shape than you were when you…, Why would you pay someone to do something you can do yourself? The MEDIA, is falsely confirming a president elect. Governor and Secretary of State in Georgia Took Money From China (To Steal Election from Trump). Skip over ad at first and go to 4 minutes and 15 seconds into video below. — Bryan Eure (@JBryanEure) November 20, 2020, RELATED: John Peterson: An Explanation of What Happened to Fox News, This explains Tucker Carlson being bad — as bad as he was over 9/11 with @cynthiamckinney : he is being bullied by Lachlan Murdoch who is destroying the financial value of @FoxNews – @SidneyPowell1 @TuckerCarlson GROW A PAIR, TUCKER! Stay strong in your faith. ELECTION 2020: Who Is Truly Behind the Scytl Voter Fraud Scandal? Gateway Pundit: HAPPY THANKSGIVING: Lin Wood Announces Sidney Powell Will File Her Lawsuit in Georgia Tomorrow! net cost vs real brokers: 20x calls * (.06 min difference) – (5+.75*20 commissions saved) = 120-20 = $100 EXTRA than you would’ve paid at a decent broker. HUGE BREAKING NEWS IN GEORGIA – 132,000 Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Have Been Identified Which Are Likely Ineligible, American Thinker: Wait Just a Minute! ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 09/02 **4** Just because this A+ list NFL player popped the question doesn't mean the cheating will stop. Combined with expulsion of Kushner from the White House, all signs point to POTUS triumph and peace in the Middle East. VIDEO (1:02)04): “A Top Down Revolution” Curtis Bowers: How the DNC is leading a Communist Revolution through the Media, Democratic Politicians, The Radical Marxist Groups, Big Business, Big Tech, The DOJ and the Educational Institutions.  If the Election Fraud is allowed to stand it is GAME-Over! This Election Crisis Is a Symbol Of Something Much, Much Bigger, VIDEO: Trump movement more powerful than DEEP STATE expected, Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’, Sidney Powell: “There is tons of evidence that Hundreds of Thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded” (Video), BREAKING: #TrumanBlack Has Created A Computer Script That Combs Thru All The Election Data & Identifies Votes That: “SWITCHED” FROM #BIDEN TO #TRUMP & Votes “LOST” That Disappeared! But that would have been impossible if the DEMS had actually received the vast number of votes reported. 17 October 2020. VIDEO (5:39): Donald Trump is the only world leader fighting ‘climate totalitarianism’ 27 September 2020. Absolutely nothing has been done over the past 4-years to incarcerate the bad apples and it is too late to expect anything will happen. This complements what I reported yesterday – The REALITY behind claims about Smartmatic and the Venezuelan connection.They are trying to scrub the internet of evidence but we must not let them, Americans for Innovation: WISCONSIN APPROVED DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS WITH A HODGE PODGE OF THEATRICAL PROCEDURES—A JOKE, NWOReport: Trump’s BRILLIANT Pre-Election Executive Order that Trapped Democrats. Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING. Are Visa Gift Cards a Safe Way to Make a Casino Deposit in 2021? Some Very Good News May Be Coming, Don’t Jump Off That Ledge. Larry Johnson, What Is Bill Barr Going to Do? . PBI: This may be a head fake, Romney could be wearing an ankle bracelet and has cut a deal to tease Deep State / DNC as Trump prepares to stab them in the heart.  Romney is very smart, not stupid, so we go with head fake. & Votes “LOST” That Disappeared! As such, until Conservatives stand up with physical action, everything we see happening will continue to be the norm. Alert Reader: Sidney tweeted last night that the President ordered release of “The Kraken.” That means he’s fighting all the way. You & @BrianKempGA need to know that we are building the case to expose your lies about the GA recount. Lots of arrests and military flights to Gitmo taking place. upset over her buying more time and credibility than anyone else could? I have also been  told that the President was reluctant to consider massive #UNRIG Election Reform Act until after re-election so there could be no possible claim that he was doing it to assure his own re-election. Someone pass the popcorn please I’m not leaving my seat! We are in a political insurgency by the Right and have to fight back accordingly… that will be the only thing the left will respect as our Conservative political stand idle watching our country collapse and burn. why remove these several documents -instruction manuals, and policies (thus no copyright owned pursuant to US Copyright) from your website? @GenFlynn, — Robert David Steele (@OSSRobertSteele) November 20, 2020, @foxnews is losing financial value every day because of Lachlan Murdoch. Trump will have mercy on those who go quietly out of the way. Everything is planned. 6 July 2020. Twitter @espnradio. Sidney has been suspended from Twitter for twelve hours. ROBERT STEELE: I have heard from three different sources that this statement was necessary and Sidney is still respected by the President and doing what needs to be done but I also have  the impression that the President is FURIOUS with the “how” of this very ugly and unprofessional manner in which this was done.  I am totally loyal to the President — I am totally loyal to Sidney Powell and Mike Flynn — I regard Giulini and Ellis with restrained doubt. FEC Chairman Says He Believes ‘There Is Voter Fraud’ In Key States, Marshall Masters: A Free and Fair America for All, Patrick J. McShay, OPERATION DISCLOSURE: The Big Steal: Vote Fraud in 2020 [Details on Specifics of Dominion Electronic Vote Manipulation], #UNRIG Video (5:25) #UNRIG Trump Election 2020 SOF Captures Servers, POTUS Spanks Internet. It is a sham! FAKE LEGACY MEDIA should have paid attention to understand what President Trump really meant by saying he would consider himself the winner in this election if “legal votes” are counted—and if paying attention, would have seen them discovering that the term “legal vote” doesn’t mean what they think it does—as on 22 August 2018, its true meaning was redefined by then Director of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, who ordered election officials in all 50 states to ensure that ballots used during the 2020 presidential election be able to be audited—an election order followed on 12 September 2018, which was when President Trump signed into law for the 2020 presidential election   BOOM! — Our Intel Source Says YES, IT HAPPENED! So Flynn/Trump sets a trap for the media by announcing that Powell is “not on the team”. Murdoch appears five times (so far) in the book Pedophilia & Empire at For the last 19 years our nation, the USA, has been undergoing a SILENT WAR between military intelligence and…. Simon Parkes hits it out of the park.   This is solid. The heads of the FBI and CIA are going to be replaced very shortly – one position is already vacant. This is the second of SIX Dominion Training Videos leaked from a NON-PUBLIC SOURCE. Giuliani has no class at all and to have a child lawyer release that is for me offensive in the extreme.  Thebelow quotes tell me the President is not happy with how this was handled and even less happy with how we have all reacted with righteous anger over the piggish way this was done. You’ll discover what type of writer you are, and your voice will emerge if you turn up and do the work. He is aware that it is waiting for him and his decision to sign will be at his own pleasure. The Spectator: Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling – If only cranks find the tabulations strange, put me down as a crank, ABC27: [Pennsylvania] State Lawmakers Introduce Resolution Disputing 2020 General Election Results, GatewayPundit: DEVELOPING: Attorney Sidney Powell: We’ve Got Pictures of Check Stubs Paid to People to Ballot Harvest (Audio), GatewayPundit: BLAST FROM THE PAST: Smartmatic CEO Introduces Creepy Bill Gates at Global Citizen Conference in June 2015, 3Days3Nights: Military Tribunal Guilt Grid, Jon Rappoport: Rebellion rising; the people have had enough, WND: Trump cites ‘massive fraud’ as Sidney Powell ‘releases the Kraken’ – Lawsuits present eyewitness evidence of ‘pattern’ across swing states, GatewayPundit: HUGE!

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